Do you ever get the feeling that Tea Party Republicans see the phrase “Ignorance Is Bliss” as a Mission Statement?


Sarah Palin-As a candidate whom many pro-lifers want to support, her actual abortion record and rhetoric is shocking to the conscience.

# As a Candidate whom Many Pro-lifers Would Like to Support: her actual abortion record and rhetoric is shocking to the conscience in that Sarah Palin:
- appointed in 2009 a Planned Parenthood board member to the Alaska Supreme Court
- indicates that chemical abortifacients that kill the youngest children should be legal
- distinguishes between her "personal" and public pro-life views (personally pro-life means officially pro-choice)
- indicates support for public funding to kill some unborn children
- whitewashes other candidates misleading millions to believe that pro-choice politicians are pro-life
- allows her name to be used in ads promoting grisly government-funded embryonic stem cell "research"
- undermines the God-given right to life by promoting evolution while officially opposing creation
- harms personhood by holding that "equal protection" should not apply to unborn children
- has never announced support for any state's personhood amendment nor the Federal Human Personhood Amendment
- opposes personhood by claiming that the majority can decide to legalize the killing of children.
In her vice-presidential acceptance speech Sarah said, "there is a time for politics and a time for leadership."1 During the above, which time was it for her? Sources below document Sarah Palin's record and political rhetoric.
# Thinks the Morning After Pill should be Legal: Palin says that personally she would not take the Morning After Pill (an abortifacient chemical that kills the tiniest children) but that it should not be illegal. "I don't think that it should necessarily be illegal."2 This demonstrates the ARTL adage that: To be personally pro-life means to be officially pro-choice.3
# Appointed Planned Parenthood Board Member to Court: Sarah Palin appointed former Read More....

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