You’re Damn Right We’re Better off;
Click to enlarge The Party Of NO! |
‘How quickly we forget’ should be the theme of this year’s attacks on President Obama. Accomplish after accomplishment goes unrecognized and/or forgotten so the time has come to refresh your memory. Are we better off than we were four years ago? Simple answer is: You’re damn right we are.
(This list should be printed out and shared with every elderly person you know who doesn't have access to a computer because they STILL believe this is their fathers Republican Party!-Mem)
Hundreds of reasons listed! (The List)
- Auto Industry saved
- Got North Korea to stop enriching uranium
- Iraq war ended
- Bin Laden dead
- Nuclear weapons reduced by 1/3 in US & Russia
- Stock market more than doubles
- Creamed Bush in turning around job loss – [See GRAPH]
- U.S Gross Domestic product went from steady decline to increasing every ¼ of the Obama Presidency [See graph]
- Ended Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
- Settled Libya problem in 60 days with no American casualties or ground troops
- Got more Taliban leaders in 30 days than Bush/Cheney did in 6 years
- Insurance companies must cover pre-existing conditions
- Kids stay on their parent’s insurance until 26 under certain conditions
- Requires health plans to disclose how much of premium goes to patient care
- Prevents children from being denied health insurance coverage
- Cut prescription drug cost for Medicare recipients by 50%
- Requires large employers to contribute to a national healthcare plan
- Spending growth under Obama lower than that of both Bushes, Nixon, Carter & Reagan
Click to enlarge |
- Temporally suspended taxes on Unemployment benefits
- Jail population decline for first time in decades
- Wind power growth up 39%
- Instituted the toughest Wall Street reform since Great Depression
- Passed health reform: Others tried & failed over the last 60 years
- Insurance companies can no longer drop you when you get sick
- Stimulus Plan which brought us out of the brink of financial collapse
- Amped budgets at NASA & National Science Foundation
- Expanded state run health insurance to cover additional four million kids
- Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act – Equal pay for equal work
- Global initiative keeping nuclear material out of hands of terrorists
- Hate crimes prevention act (Matthew Shepard Act)
- FDA for first time allowed to regulate tobacco
- Eliminated scandal plagued Mineral Management Services
- Overhauled the astonishing stupidity of the student loan system
- Cancelled bloated weapons program including useless F-22
- Stopped Russia supplying $1 billion of high-tech missiles to Iran promised by Bush
- $14 billion in federally funded loans to stimulate job creation
- Taxes cut for 95% of working families
- Passed 16 different tax cuts for American small business owners
- Fought GOP for Health benefits for 9/11 responders – He didn’t forget
- Consumer spending increase
- Orders for durable goods increase
- Ryan White AIDS Treatment Act
- Appointed more openly gay officials than any other president
- Expanded loan program for small businesses
- Increased funding for National Parks and Forests
- Led effort to phase out whaling
- Funding for high speed broadband internet access to students K-12
- $26 billion to states saving 160,000 teacher jobs among other things
- Helped rebuild schools in New Orleans
- Doubled research funds for cleaner fuel
- $2 billion to solar power
- Raised fuel economy standards
- Cash for clunkers
- Limited mercury emissions
- Eliminated oil company liability caps for oil spills
- Ordered BP to provide $20 billion liability fund for damages from spill
- Mandated new safety rules for offshore drilling
- World opinion of US improves significantly since Obama takes office
- Return rights of Americans to visit and assist their families in Cuba
- Renewed loan guarantees to Israel
- Pressured Israel to end Gaza blockade
- Nuclear arms agreement with India
- Agreement with Switzerland to bolster tax information exchange
- Cut salaries of senior White House officials
- Prevented congress from receiving cost of living pay raise
- Established a Patient’s Bill of Rights
- Expanded vaccinations program
- Same-sex partners assured visitation & healthcare decision rights
- $8 billion to establish smart power grid
- $13 billion for high-speed rail in 13 major US corridors
- Major expansion of AmeriCorps
- Committed US to almost 5 million charging station by 2015
- Expanding broadband internet
- Improved benefits for veterans
- New and improved hiring policy for veterans
- Ended media blackout on war casualties
- Increased access to PTSD treatment for soldiers and veterans
- Reconstruction of military to reflect modern-day threats & technology
- Ended torture
- Recommitted the U.S. to full compliance to the Geneva Conventions
- Cut missile defense system by $1.4 billion
- Increased pay benefits to military personnel
- Began draw-down of war in Afghanistan
- Ordered Seal operation to free US captain held by pirates
- Negotiated nuclear arms agreement with Australia, India, & Russia
- Increased Navy patrol of Somali coast
- Provided $210 Million for building and upgrading fire stations
- Ordered extensive review of hurricane & natural disaster preparedness
- Edward Kennedy Serve America Act: Expands national volunteer program
- Removed restrictions and provided support of embryonic stem cell research
- Worked with international allies on International Space Station
- Used private sector to improve space flight
- Used Space Station for fundamental biological and physical research
- Established consumer tax credit for plug-in hybrid cars
- $60 billion in spending & tax incentives for renewable & clean energy
- For first time in 13 years America’s dependence on foreign oil below 50%
- Tax breaks to promote public transit
- Income floor for medical expense deductions for individuals 65 & older
- Health insurance tax credits & subsidies for incomes to 4x poverty level
- Tax increase for corporations with assets of at least $1 billion
- Closed offshore tax safe havens, tax credit loopholes
- Tax bills hit lowest level since 1950
- Tax refunds up 10 percent due to stimulus
- Imposed limits on lobbyists’ access to the White House
- Limits White House aides working for lobbyists after tenure in office
- Closed lobbyist loopholes with respect to the Recovery Act
- Banned lobbyist gifts to executive employees
- DOD will film all interrogations
- Created more jobs in 2009 than Bush in his entire presidency
- Gets 47 nations to agree to 4 years non-proliferation efforts
- Forced airlines to disclose prices upfront
- Helped clean out weapons-usable uranium from 6 countries:
- Number of oil rigs in US oil fields has quadrupled in past three years
- US now has more rigs at work than the rest of the world put together
- First time since 1949 we now export more gas than we import
- Rescued hostages held by Somalia Pirates with precision mission
- Makes health insurance available to seasonal firefighters
- No deportations for young illegals born in country
BUT by Mem-
And just in case we missed anything.....
Promises Kept
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Winnie the Pooh ♥
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