Do you ever get the feeling that Tea Party Republicans see the phrase “Ignorance Is Bliss” as a Mission Statement?


It's my "Party" and I can RANT if I want to!

I have been livid over the MA election and yes I am ANGRY with the people in MA who spit in the face of Ted Kennedy and the American People who have fought so hard for change. MA has some of the best health care in the country and they have this because of Ted Kennedy. We can blame their votes on lack of Coakley's campaigning or their anger at WA but in the end MA has no one to blame but themselves for sending a message that screwed all of us!

I am angry with the Democrats in Congress who are so stupid that they think this whole thing was about them going too far to the right. We are angry because the Democrats have had the majority and don't have the balls to use it! We are angry because the President and the Democrats have let the GOP, the Blue dogs and Lieberman control Washington.

We are angry because people are dying without health care and losing their homes because they have no jobs. We are angry because we are sick to death of the bi-partisanship the Democrats are trying to have. We are angry because President Obama, you don't seem to get that the Republicans hate you, want you to fail and will do anything to make sure you do. We are angry that the Democrats are letting big corporations get away with raping the country and we have to pay for the kit! We are angry that people like Fox News can use their platform to lie to people that are too ignorant to understand that they are being used to keep the wealthy rich! We are angry that people like Oprah further the movement of the tea-baggers by putting Sarah Palin front and center to help destroy America. We are angry because the Democrats have the majority and let what could have been a good Health Care Reform go to hell in a hand basket. We are angry because we are not given a public option. We are angry because you want to make it mandatory that we pay for health care that is no longer that great?

We are angry because Big Banks get bailed out while the rest of us sink! We are angry because the Supreme Court just destroyed U.S. democracy and gave control to anyone including outside Governments.

Yes we are angry and you said you would listen to us President Obama. We are angry because the only side you seem to be hearing are the Wing nuts!

President Obama STOP hugging the Elephant and tell them to kiss our Ass!~Mem

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