Do you ever get the feeling that Tea Party Republicans see the phrase “Ignorance Is Bliss” as a Mission Statement?


Palin Campaign Stonewalls On Medical Records

I am livid that the republican party can get away with everything. This country should demand to see them! The Obama campaign has to be held accountable for everything! Well, it's damn time the McCain campaign should be held accountable for a lot of things! This is our future people are voting on tomorrow!-Mem

From CNN Political Producer Peter Hamby
Palin has not yet released her medical records.

LAKEWOOD, Ohio (CNN) – With less than 24 hours to go before the presidential election, Sarah Palin still has not released her medical records and there is no indication the campaign is planning to do so.

Two weeks ago, Palin’s campaign told several reporters traveling with the campaign that a summary of the governor’s medical history would be made public before election day.

Reporters were told that details on Palin’s medical background would be released early last week. Last Thursday, after that timeframe had passed, a campaign aide backed off the previous pledge, saying the campaign wasn’t sure when the information would be released.

John McCain, Barack Obama and Joseph Biden have all provided details about their medical history.

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