Do you ever get the feeling that Tea Party Republicans see the phrase “Ignorance Is Bliss” as a Mission Statement?


Why won't Palin release her medical records and who really gave birth to Trig Palin?

We have Sarah Palins word on how far along her daughter is this time in her pregnancy. We now know that Sarah Palin has no problem lying. We also know that her daughters pregnancy could be hidden from the public before but not this time because of her position as McCains running mate. Sarah Palin also refuses to release her medical records which could settle this once an for all. It would also show us if the hospital where Trig Palin was born is involved in a cover up for the Palins. You be the judge!-Mem
Posted by Sunny Chanel

I smell a scandal! There is new evidence coming to light that is implying that perhaps Sarah Palin’s four month old son Trig, who has been diagnosed with Down syndrome, is not her son, but rather her grandson! The 44-year old mother of five was wildly applauded in the pro-life circles for seeing the birth to term after the diagnosis of Down syndrome was detected while in the womb. There is now speculation that baby Trig may actually be the offpring of 17-year old daughter Bristol.

(from Just Jared via Daily Kos)

  • March 6th – Sarah publicly announces she is seven months pregnant. Everyone, even close staff members were totally surprised, with no one speculating she was with child. (check out this photo taken a couple days later of the seven months pregnant Palin below)
  • April 16th – When in Texas for the Republican Governor’s Convention to give a keynote speech, she allegedly began to leak amniotic fluid, a full month before the due date. But she didn’t rush to the hospital but just called her doc and went on to give her speech. "I was not going to miss that speech," she says.
  • After speaking you’d think she rush to a local Dallas hospital but instead she hopped on an Alaska Airlines plane for an eight hour flight back home, with a stopover in Seattle. She didn’t let the airline know that she was pregnant and in labor. Most airlines require to be notified if you are seven months or more pregnant. (although Alaska doesn’t insist that passengers let them know). "Governor Palin was extremely pleasant to flight attendants and her stage of pregnancy was not apparent by observation as she didn’t show any signs of distress," Airline rep Caroline Boren said.”
  • She lands in Anchorage and instead of going to one of the most equipped facilities for premature births in the state, she drives 45 minutes to the Mat-Su Regional Medical Center outside Wasilla, the tiny town she was once mayor of. She “delivered” Trig one month prematurely and then returned to work three days later. “The doctor, Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, approving of all of these actions borders on malpractice. Not treating leaking amniotic fluid causes infections, and time is of the essence after water breaks. Husband Todd Palin simply delivers this winner of a line: “You can’t have a fish picker from Texas””
  • In regards to her daughter, at the time of her mom’s “pregnancy”, she was pulled out of high school due to catching mono. She was out of school from five to eight months (with cases of mono usually lasing 2 weeks to 3 months).
  • Check out the family pic of the Palins (daughter Bristol in to the right) that was published in early March where her daughter looks like she could be knocked up.

For oodles more details check out Daily Kos.

What do you think? Mom or Grandma?


  1. It is outrageously invasive to demand someone's medical records just so people can sort out "what really happened." What really happened is that a child was born and Sarah Palin calls herself the child's mother and so no one should believe anything to the contrary. It borders on absurdity that anyone would think the Palin family would be involved in some kind of big "birth conspiracy." I must imagine that any reasonable person who was asked by a stranger to produce medical records to prove that their child was indeed their own that they wouldn't have too many kind words for that stranger and there is zero chance that they would entertain their request for the records.

  2. Just like the "birthers" are demanding Obama's birth certificate. Are you yelling about that one? Just curious!

  3. Just like the "birthers" are demanding Obama's birth certificate. Are you yelling about that one? Just curious!

  4. It is outrageously invasive to demand someone's medical records just so people can sort out "what really happened." What really happened is that a child was born and Sarah Palin calls herself the child's mother and so no one should believe anything to the contrary. It borders on absurdity that anyone would think the Palin family would be involved in some kind of big "birth conspiracy." I must imagine that any reasonable person who was asked by a stranger to produce medical records to prove that their child was indeed their own that they wouldn't have too many kind words for that stranger and there is zero chance that they would entertain their request for the records.

  5. It is outrageously invasive to demand someone's medical records just so people can sort out "what really happened." What really happened is that a child was born and Sarah Palin calls herself the child's mother and so no one should believe anything to the contrary. It borders on absurdity that anyone would think the Palin family would be involved in some kind of big "birth conspiracy." I must imagine that any reasonable person who was asked by a stranger to produce medical records to prove that their child was indeed their own that they wouldn't have too many kind words for that stranger and there is zero chance that they would entertain their request for the records.

  6. Just like the "birthers" are demanding Obama's birth certificate. Are you yelling about that one? Just curious!

  7. Just like the "birthers" are demanding Obama's birth certificate. Are you yelling about that one? Just curious!


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Winnie the Pooh ♥

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