The surprise was on McCain because he thought people were to stupid to check out Joe and then it looks like Joe has a tax lien! Say It Ain't So Joe!
I found it odd that when the local news station did an interview with him that he was confused most of his life about where he was born? Disappointed to find out that he was a Yankee instead of a Southerner. What being a Southerner would give you permission to be a racist? (He did say that Obama danced around like Sammy Davis Jr.) I'm assuming he meant on the issues but who knows what all of these "Joes" really mean?-Mem
Off The Bus-Huff-10-16-08
The whole world is wondering today: "Who IS Joe the Plumber?" the everyman voter made famous in the final presidential debate last night for being referenced repeatedly by John McCain and addressed directly at one point by Barack Obama.
Cable news gave the impression that the man is just Samuel "average Joe" Wurzelbacher, from Holland, Ohio, who is looking to expand his business and believes that Barack Obama's proposed tax plan will actually cause him to lose money if he does so. He put his question on taxes to Obama in person while the Illinois Senator was canvassing in the Toledo suburb on Sunday. Plumber Joe later said Obama "tap dance[d] ... almost as good as Sammy Davis Jr." in the conversation and implied in an interview after the debate that he would vote for John McCain.
It might be heartening to McCain to know that he has at least one vote in Democratic stronghold Lucas County, Ohio, but for one small fact. A download of the Lucas County voter rolls from the Ohio Secretary of State's website lists four Wurzelbachers, two in Holland, but none of them named Sam or Joe or Samuel Joseph. There's a Robert Lee and a Frank Edward Wurzelbacher, but no Joe.
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