We cannot continue to let people like Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Beck decide how we will treat each other. -Mem
Jasper-Style Lynching! Reporting on the Grounds in Paris, Texas
Reposted from: Brother Jesse Blog

On Saturday, October 4, I received a serious phone call from Krystal Muhammad of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) in regards to a possible dragging death in Paris, Texas which is located about five hours north of Houston. The first thing that immediately came to my mind was that 2008 is the tenth anniversary of the lynching of James Byrd, Jr. in Jasper, Texas. Liken unto that case, the victim in Paris was said to be a 24-year-old Black man and his killers were two White men, possible four.
I immediately Googled the town and saw that there were only a handful of media outlets that had covered the story which involved Brandon McClelland and these two White males. One reason possibly that there was hardly any coverage was that this killing took place on September 16, which was the tail end of Hurricane Ike hitting landfall so I am sure the town officials were hoping this would be swept under the rug. Too bad, because the Final Call is on top of it!
Sister Kyrtle told me that members of the NBPP Dallas Chapter were on the grounds already to meet with the family. So myself, Sis Krystle and my older brother Deric Muhammad hit the road on Sunday, October 5 to do some on the grounds work to see what really happened.
After a five hour drive, we arrived in the 'hood of Paris. We then caravaned over to the home of the McClelland family where Brandon's mother sat on the porch with tears in her eyes. Ms. Jacqueline McClelland and her family gave recorded statements to me for my Final Call story as well as the NBPP for an independent investigation. We were also joined by local activists, a head of the State NAACP chapter and other friends of the family.

After hearing their accounts, it was verified that her son was dragged on the back of a pickup truck by these two White males (it has now been confirmed that their were only two) and his body was dismembered. Jasper all over again. Afterwards we drove over to the grave site.

Read my entire story in next week's edition of the Final Call Newspaper.

The hate, fear, racism and Mob Mentality that the McCain/Palin campaign has incited in our country has got to stop. They have to be held accountable by the American people and the media has to be held accountable for their part in this. You don't just keep showing, airing and promoting the lies and the hatred. A responsible News Station would call them on this, would refuse to air any rallies or ads that are negative and incite hate, racism, fear and mob mentality!
OMG.. I saw your post on Twitter.. I follow you. You wrote that you would not be silent and OH I SO AGREE! Hatred in this country MUST STOP! I stumbled your article. You should write to MSNBC.. to Rachel Maddow and Olbermann. Maddow on her show says that they read all emails. I would also call and write to McCain, RNC, DNC, Obama, your Congressman after the media. ~ Kathy
ReplyDeleteOMG.. I saw your post on Twitter.. I follow you. You wrote that you would not be silent and OH I SO AGREE! Hatred in this country MUST STOP! I stumbled your article. You should write to MSNBC.. to Rachel Maddow and Olbermann. Maddow on her show says that they read all emails. I would also call and write to McCain, RNC, DNC, Obama, your Congressman after the media. ~ Kathy
ReplyDeleteOMG.. I saw your post on Twitter.. I follow you. You wrote that you would not be silent and OH I SO AGREE! Hatred in this country MUST STOP! I stumbled your article. You should write to MSNBC.. to Rachel Maddow and Olbermann. Maddow on her show says that they read all emails. I would also call and write to McCain, RNC, DNC, Obama, your Congressman after the media. ~ Kathy
ReplyDeleteOMG.. I saw your post on Twitter.. I follow you. You wrote that you would not be silent and OH I SO AGREE! Hatred in this country MUST STOP! I stumbled your article. You should write to MSNBC.. to Rachel Maddow and Olbermann. Maddow on her show says that they read all emails. I would also call and write to McCain, RNC, DNC, Obama, your Congressman after the media. ~ Kathy