Do you ever get the feeling that Tea Party Republicans see the phrase “Ignorance Is Bliss” as a Mission Statement?


Holding The Media Accountable

After talking to my hubby’s relatives in New York I am convinced that the media is going to play a huge part in who wins this election and I am going to hold them accountable. FOX has republicans believing what they say to the point that you can’t even have a reasonable conversation. The things that these people believe is like a piece out of Frankenstein. I think if it were not for KeithOlbermann, Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews (most of the time) and Jack Cafferty the Dems would not hear the truth most of the time. The media gives us bits and pieces but they give it to you for a few minutes and then they are off on something else that McCain has cooked up. When it was about Obama that is all you heard 24/7. The media needs to be held accountable during this election, since they are the ones choosing what they will hammer to death and what they won’t. Unfortunately many people are like sheep and tend to follow rather then risk being wrong and standing up for what they believe! I am so ticked today that McCain is always given a free pass. He changes the election at the drop of a dime and the media runs with his game.
This is about our country and our children's future and if anyone in the media has their own children or grand children then they need to step up and put an end to McCain playing them like a fiddle! If you are going to hammer something into people’s head then at least be responsible enough to put out the truth all of the time. Lets talk about Keating Five, let’s talk about McCain leaving his wife and children for Cindy McCain. Lets talk about the fact that many hero’s came out of the Vietnam war but did not use it to further their careers. Many men came home to eggs, rotten vegetables being thrown at them and McCain came home feeling entitled! Call it what it is! Lets talk about Palin and her dirty tactics. Lets talk about McCain/Palin political games that are being played. Lets get down to what the country is going to live with if these two people are elected. Lets stay with the truth for a while and stop letting McCain run your airtime!
The media cracks under the pressure of the right when they start whining. Get a clue folks, these people only watch FOX. They are told that you are Obama supporters and only give Obama air time. Stop folding and give the people that really listen to you the truth! Don’t become partners with FOX. Enough people in the US already watch FOX. Be a leader, not followers. The public deserves better then that! Would someone with balls from daytime media please step up to the plate!
Now to the Democratic Party; I took a risk and changed my whole thinking. A few of you like Chris Dodd have stood up and called McCain on this. A few of you have called this a political play and now all of you need to stand up against McCain and not let him use this "crisis" for his benefit. If you let him declare victory on this then you are just as guilty as the media for letting him use them as his platform! -Mem

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